× Cheats, Hilfestellungen und Erscheinungstermine für PS3-Spiele

Topic-icon Massive Serverabschaltungen

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99437 von lucksi
Massive Serverabschaltungen wurde erstellt von lucksi
Nein, ausnahmsweise mal nicht EA. Hier eine Liste von Spielen die ab Monatsende betroffen sind.

Sind einige bei die ich noch nicht zu Ende gespielt habe wie Midnight Club, GTA 4, Bulletstorm, Borderlands, Joe Danger

Games with Online Trophies
Age of Booty (Win 50 games online)
[Capcom stated that they were evaluating solutions in April but nothing has been heard of yet. The future of this game is unknown.]

Blitz: The League II
[The future of this game is unknown]

Borderlands (+ Japanese version, Viral trophy)
[Starting May 31, Borderlands® PS3 and Civilization® Revolution PS3 will also go offline as a result of GameSpy Technology's online service termination. We are currently investigating the technical feasibility of transitioning those titles.] [The viral trophy is possible via LAN, but you have to go through some hoops for it.]

Bulletstorm (rank 65, 200 team challenges, 50k points, DLC)
[The future of this game is unknown]

Call of Juarez Bound in Blood
[The future of this game is unknown]

Crysis 2
[Crytek have confirmed that the multiplayer will remain playable]

Damage Inc.: Pacific Squadron WWII
[The future of this game is unknown]

F.E.A.R 2
[The status of this game is unknown. WB Support said that the game will remain up, but they also said the same about Gotham Impostors]

[The future of this game is unknown]

Gotham City Impostors
[An in-game message states: Due to GameSpy shutdown, the matchmaking system for Gotham City Impostors on the PS3 will no longer function as of May 31st, 2014 when GameSpy ceases operations.]

Grand Theft Auto IV
[Multiplayer will remain, but leaderboards and stat tracking will be removed. It is unknown how this will affect trophies.]

Guardians of Middle-Earth (all)
[An in-game message states: Due to GameSpy shutdown, the matchmaking system for the game on the PS3 will no longer function as of May 31st, 2014 when GameSpy ceases operations.]

High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
[Capcom stated that they were evaluating solutions in April but nothing has been heard of yet. The future of this game is unknown.]

JASF: Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters
[The future of this game is unknown]

Joe Danger: The Movie (send and receive a custom level)
[The future of this game is unknown]

Joe Danger 2: The Movie (custom level upload)
[The future of this game is unknown]

Lost Planet 3
[Capcom stated that they were evaluating solutions in April but nothing has been heard of yet. The future of this game is unknown.]

Midnight Club Los Angeles
[Multiplayer, social club and unlocks for rate my ride and driving tests will no longer be available.]

Mortal Kombat (PS3 + Vita)
[Ed Boon confirmed on Twitter that the online will still be up.]

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
[The future of this game is unknown]

MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship (PS3 + Vita)
[The future of this game is unknown. As other games in the series went down during the Glu Mobile takeover, a solution for this is unlikely.]

Red Dead Redemption
[Multiplayer will remain, but leaderboards and stat tracking will be removed. It is unknown how this will affect trophies.]

SBK Generations
[The future of this game is unknown. As other games in the series went down during the Glu Mobile takeover, a solution for this is unlikely.]

Section 8
[The future of this game is unknown]

Section 8: Prejudice
[The future of this game is unknown]

Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars
[A post by a developer on the official forum states a projected for the removal of GameSpy on for February 2014. Whether this occurred or not is unknown.]

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
[The future of this game is unknown]

Two Worlds II
[The future of this game is unknown]

UFC Undisputed 2009
[The future of this game is unknown. As these games are dead, unlikely]

UFC Undisputed 2010
[The future of this game is unknown. As these games are dead, unlikely]

Unreal Tournament 3
[In an article, it was stated that they were working on removing it, however, this article was later deleted, planting doubt in our minds. A response was posted on their website, but it seems to be referring to the PC version.]

Games that have no strictly online trophies, but can be achieved online

Dungeon Defenders
Trendy Entertainment have stated that the servers will remain done. Whilst the can technically be achieved offline, it is very hard/requires multiple controllers.]

Hunted: The Demon's Forge
[The future of this game is unknown]

Fairytale Fights
[The future of this game is unknown]

GT garage


The internet was invented by the american military back in the late 60s. It was designed to be a durable, scaleable, decentralized information delivery system, so that in the event of a nuclear attack, american military leaders would still have access to pornography.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: aalemann

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  • Devilseye 80
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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99440 von Devilseye 80
Devilseye 80 antwortete auf Massive Serverabschaltungen
Wenn sich es nicht mehr lohnt, ist es doch fair!
Gotham City Impostors war ein richtig cooles Spiel (xbox360)

PSN ID: Devilseye80
Twitch: Devilseye80



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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99445 von aalemann
aalemann antwortete auf Massive Serverabschaltungen
hm, die GameSpy - Sache hatte ich ja ganz aus den Augen verloren :(

höchste Zeit, dass ich noch die eine oder andere Runde Dungeon Defenders und Borderlands einschiebe :W

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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99454 von lucksi
lucksi antwortete auf Massive Serverabschaltungen

Devilseye 80 schrieb: Wenn sich es nicht mehr lohnt, ist es doch fair!
Gotham City Impostors war ein richtig cooles Spiel (xbox360)

Der Meinung bin ich aber überhaupt nicht. Wenn ein Spiel verkauft wird mit online Krams drin, dann sollte auch gefälligst für mindestens 10 Jahre Server zur Verfügung stehen (oder wenigstens 5), vor allem jetzt wo wir wie die Xboxler für das Privileg online zu zocken bezahlen müssen.

GT garage


The internet was invented by the american military back in the late 60s. It was designed to be a durable, scaleable, decentralized information delivery system, so that in the event of a nuclear attack, american military leaders would still have access to pornography.

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  • Devilseye 80
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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99455 von Devilseye 80
Devilseye 80 antwortete auf Massive Serverabschaltungen
Server kosten nun mal Geld. Wenn es einfach zu wenig genutzt wird sehe ich es als Fair an diese abzuschalten.

Natürlich ist es nicht fair ein reines Onlinespiel jetzt noch zu verkaufen und dann in ein paar Wochen die server auszuschalten.

In wie weit das vom Hersteller geplant ist kann ich aber nicht sagen.

PSN ID: Devilseye80
Twitch: Devilseye80



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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #99458 von lucksi
lucksi antwortete auf Massive Serverabschaltungen
Wenn weniger Leute die Server benutzen werden nach ner Zeit auch immer weniger benötigt. Neuanschaffungen sind ja nicht gefordert.

Und die oben genannten Spiele die den Online Teil verlieren, ist das diesmal nicht geplant vom Hersteller, sondern der Online Dienst Dienstleister macht Ende des Monats dicht.

Und ner guten Zahl an Herstellern ists wurscht, die programmieren ja keine neue Version. Gibt ja keine Einnahmen...

GT garage


The internet was invented by the american military back in the late 60s. It was designed to be a durable, scaleable, decentralized information delivery system, so that in the event of a nuclear attack, american military leaders would still have access to pornography.

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