Killzone 3
- barny67
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- DidiF
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mal ne Frage:
wieso sieht man eigentlich in der Kapitelauswahl nicht, ob man den Level mit Elite abgeschlossen hat. Bei den anderen Schwierigkeitsgraden sieht mans, nur nich auf Elite. Oder mache ich da was falsch?
Das scheint ein kleiner bug zu sein. Ich habs gestern auf Elite durchgespielt und auch die Trophy bekommen. Trotzdem bleibt das Emblem in der Kapitelauswahl grau. Komischerweise zeigt er aber die leichteste Schwierigkeitsstufe an, wenn man einen Abschnitt gespielt hat.
Egal, mir war nur wichtig, das die Trophy trotzdem kommt .
Jetzt muß ich noch den MAWLR komplett verstören und ich habe Killzone "platiniert".
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- HoschiDeluxe
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1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
Gamertag XboxLive: Rautenfreund1
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- Zocki
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- Ehem. Eventmanager
- nuqdaq 'oh puchpa''e'
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1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
6. Zocki
XBL-Gamertag: DerZocki
Location: Erde, Sektor 001, Alpha-Quadrant
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- dubelmann
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Was übrigens auch selten dämlich ist und dringend gepatched gehört!
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- Yemaya
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- *meow*
1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
6. Zocki
7. Yemaya
Wenn die das mit der Lobby zu was brauchbaren umgepatcht haben bin ich gern dabei.
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- peiopa
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1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
6. Zocki
7. Yemaya
8. peiopa
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- bedel00
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1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
6. Zocki
7. Yemaya
8. peiopa
9. bedel00
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- phlip
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Kokser Subclan:
1. Marrison
3. BB
4. barny (als Opfer)
5. HoschiDeluxe
6. Zocki
7. Yemaya
8. peiopa
9. bedel00
10.phlip (gang-peng)
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- Blub
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Das mit dem Subclan ist ja ein ganz netter Ansatz, aber wie Yemaya bereits geschrieben hat, kann man ja gar nicht wählen, gegen welchen Clan man spielen möchte. Das wird vom Super-Matchmaking von KZ3 willkürlich entschieden...
Was übrigens auch selten dämlich ist und dringend gepatched gehört!
He Leute, ihr verwirrt mich!
Einerseits gibt es die Info, dass Matchbegegnungen der Clans zufällig stattfinden. Und anderer seits meldet sich zig Leute bei einem Subclan an, damit man mal untereinander spielen kann - was ich ja auch liebend gerne machen würde.
Ergo habe ich was nicht mitbekommen - oder es heisst weiterhin auf den langersehnten Patch abwarten.
LG Blub
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- der Beni
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Update to the FAQ:
Q. When does the next Patch hit?
We don’t know, we’ll let you know as soon as we know.
Q. What is in the next Patch?
We don’t know, we’ll let you know as soon as we know.
Q. Why is my favorite fix not in the next patch?
We try to get as much in and give it to you as soon as possible. Some things require more testing and coding than others, which means it gets patched in later. So some low priority small fixes might get done quicker than a high priority (but complex) fix.
Q. Where are custom games and why isn't it out now?
A. We're working on delivering you a solid experience, and we're currently in the process of testing the custom games functionality as we speak. It will be split up into two separate patches. The first release will give you the base functionality, allowing you to select game modes, map playlists, adjust time settings, invite specific players, etc. The second release will give you enhanced control, allowing you to restrict which weapons and abilities players can select, what careers they can choose, turn friendly-fire on or off, etc.
Q. When, when, when!?
Soon, but we have no fixed sate yet
Q. Will spawning on squadmates and spawn grenades make their way into Killzone 3?
A. No, they will not be making it into Killzone 3. The mechanics conflicted with elements of our game, and since they led to negative gameplay experiences, we decided to remove them as they were.
Q. Why can't I use EXOs and Jetpacks in every map?
A. We wanted to create unique experiences which the Jetpacks and EXOs.
Just sticking them in any random map led to some very frustrating, and broken, gameplay moments. The maps you use them in were custom-tailored to how they worked, while the other maps were custom-tailored to other gameplay focuses. Our aim wasn't just to create visually distinct locations in each map, but it was also to create a set of diverse gameplay experiences in each of them making each one of them unique when compared to another.
Q. What is your win/loss ratio?
A. This leaderboard stat is currently looking at the wrong formula to determine the W/L ratio. will be fixed.
Q: I'm playing the same DLC level over and over again
A: We're working on fixing this behavior. However when you have a map pack installed 50% of the games you play should be in the non DLC levels, so if you end up in a DLC map and you want to be playing the normal levels then just back out and find another game. Also you can select another map as your preference.
Q: SESSION MASTER NOT AVAILABLE shows on screen, the game freezes and then I get banned.
A: This should be fixed in patch 1.04.
Q: I get network errors 10002 or -931 when logging in.
A: This is a network timeout error. Most likely there is something wrong with your connection. If you're connecting wireless, please try wired. If you can't connect wired then try disabling encryption on the connection to see if that improves behavior (make sure you turn it on afterwards). In the XMB run the connection test to see if you can log into PSN. The errors also occur when the servers are down for maintenance, usually this doesn't last longer than an hour and any maintenance is announced on
Q: I get network error 8001, 8013 or 1503 during gameplay or during login.
A: Patch 1.04 should fix these issues. There could be something wrong with your connection. If you're connecting wireless, please try wired. If you can't connect wired then try disabling encryption on the connection to see if that improves behavior (make sure you turn it on afterwards). In the XMB run the connection test to see if you can log into PSN.
A: My game is lagging (may also be accompanied by SESSION MASTER NOT AVAILABLE on screen)
A: There multiple potential causes. Please make sure that you have selected the correct region to play in first (in the multiplayer main menu go to options). There is a bug in the match making system which causes 10% of the games to end up in the wrong region (will be fixed in patch 1.04). Also if there are no active players in your region the game will redirect you to another region which can cause extra lag. Finally there is also the possibility that your router is causing the issues. If you're connecting wireless, please try wired. If you can't connect wired then try disabling encryption on the connection to see if that improves behavior (make sure you turn it on afterwards). In the XMB run the connection test to see if you can log into PSN.
Q: When starting a match the game is unable to process your scores (error -9, -2 or -5) or unable to view leaderboards / create a clan (error 20000)
A: All known causes of this will be fixed in patch 1.04.
Q: I'm receiving a world is full error (error -948)
A: We're currently investigating this issue. The error is misleading the text should read 'game is full'. If you receive this error then please try finding a game again. If the problem persists go to another game mode or select another map in your map preferences.
Q: I get stuck in the 'connecting...' screen after loading a level for a very long time (possibly hearing headset chatter).
A: Patch 1.04 should fix most issues. We are still looking into a problem where this occurs when joining during map rollover. In the mean time: If you get this screen for more than 30 seconds then please use the cancel option to go back and find another game.
Q: I'm receiving an essential game objects lost message (error 10006)
A: This happens when the last person has just left the game while you were joining. Please try again, this error should only occur very sporadically.
Q: I'm experiencing freezes in multiplayer during game play
A: We're investigating these issues. Most of the issues should be fixed with patch 1.04
Q: I'm playing in a clan match and when the other clan leaves I have to sit out the entire match before I get the win
A: This will be fixed in a future patch.
Q: I invite someone to my squad but his message gets lost (due to a network error for example), now I cannot invite him again
A: This will be fixed in a future patch.
Q: I have received unlock code XXX and it doesn't work / works too long
A: Please check this post:
We are investigating people that still have double XP unlocked. These are very rare, but that makes it hard to track down. Note your region, PSN ID and exact problem (unlock all, double XP) in the thread linked to above.
Q: I'm at rank X and Y has not been unlocked (extra armour, silent footsteps, ...)
A: This will be fixed in a future patch.
Q: Multiplayer games are unbalanced
A: This will be improved in a future patch.
Q: In singleplayer the voice audio is repeating (most notable in Pyrrhus Outskirts)
A: This will be fixed in a future patch.
Q: The score board is flickering at the end of the match
A: Will be fixed in a future patch
Q: I'm experiencing freezes when the game is loading a map
Q: I'm experiencing freezes in single player while playing movies
Q: I cannot start KZ3 because the icon does not appear in the XMB.
A: This is a hardware issue. There might be issues with your blu ray drive. KZ3 is one of the few games that use a dual layer blu ray. Please contact Sony support.
Q: My PS3 shuts off while playing KZ3.
A: This is a hardware issue. Please contact Sony support.
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- Yemaya
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- *meow*
Q. Will spawning on squadmates and spawn grenades make their way into Killzone 3?
A. No, they will not be making it into Killzone 3. The mechanics conflicted with elements of our game, and since they led to negative gameplay experiences, we decided to remove them as they were.
Hatte schon befürchtet, sie würden sich bequatschen lassen diesen Unsinn wieder ein zu führen.
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- dubelmann
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Hatte schon befürchtet, sie würden sich bequatschen lassen diesen Unsinn wieder ein zu führen.
Na ja, das Spawnen beim Squadleader fand ich eigentlich immer ganz gut. Das hätten Sie meiner Meinung nach gerne wieder machen können...
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- HaQuiX
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HaQuiX schrieb:
mal ne Frage:
wieso sieht man eigentlich in der Kapitelauswahl nicht, ob man den Level mit Elite abgeschlossen hat. Bei den anderen Schwierigkeitsgraden sieht mans, nur nich auf Elite. Oder mache ich da was falsch?
Das scheint ein kleiner bug zu sein. Ich habs gestern auf Elite durchgespielt und auch die Trophy bekommen. Trotzdem bleibt das Emblem in der Kapitelauswahl grau. Komischerweise zeigt er aber die leichteste Schwierigkeitsstufe an, wenn man einen Abschnitt gespielt hat.
Egal, mir war nur wichtig, das die Trophy trotzdem kommt .
Jetzt muß ich noch den MAWLR komplett verstören und ich habe Killzone "platiniert".
yo, das is wohl en Bug.
Der MAWLR fehlt mir auch noch. Und so ein Paar MP Sachen.
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- der Beni
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Downtime tomorrow 8:30 GMT - 11:00 GMT Server Maintenance and Patch 1.04
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- dubelmann
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- Clanführung KOKS
- Too old to die young
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:cheer: :cheer: Muchas Gracias für eine der bisher besten KZ3-Runden, die ich hatte.:cheer: :cheer:
Wenn auf der anderen Seite jetzt auch noch ausschließlich Oldies unterwegs gewesen wären und nicht killgeile Infiltratoren en masse, dann wär's noch besser gewesen.
Aber 6-8 Oldies auf einer Seite sind schon was Feines.
Sollten wir dringend wiederholen...:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
N8 auch, muss Schlaf tanken für die Maloche morgen und natürlich, damit ich morgen abend etwas länger auf Helghan aushalte...
EDIT: Glaube, die anderen beiden Pudernäschen waren BastiFantasti und Dressi. Richtig, Jungs?
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- Bastifantasti76
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EDIT: Glaube, die anderen beiden Pudernäschen waren BastiFantasti und Dressi. Richtig, Jungs?
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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- poedel
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- normale Härte legt es an den Tag
Auf dem offiziellen Killzoneblog schweigt man sich akut über das kommende Patch aus.
Wer mal drauf ge8et hat sieht, dass wir akut 1.07 auf der Lady haben. Ergo sind alle Vermutungen und Verheißungen um Patch 1.04 antiquiert. Das war nämlich dass, was direkt am Donnerstag am Erscheinungstermin gelauncht wurde
Warten wir also weiter ..
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- Yemaya
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- *meow*
Network - Lag fixes and fixes for network errors 10002, 8001 and 8013
Gameplay - Players now have more stamina by default. Sprint length is increased but the recharge timer has been adjusted to compensate
Gameplay - Mortally wounded players no longer have collision. Alive players should now be able to traverse the levels without getting stuck on mortally wounded players
Gameplay - Medic's revive cool-down reduced from 25 to 10 seconds
Gameplay - Increased range from where friendly players can be revived - player can be revived from 20 meters now
Gameplay - Guerrilla Warfare games now last 15 minutes and it takes 100 kills instead of 50 to win
Performance - Improvements to party creation server load
Menu - Show envelope icon to indicate that player has received message
Menu - Rewards panel in post game screen now auto-scrolls
Menu - Botzone is now paused when player goes to start menu
Menu - Single click squad invite
Menu - Enhanced idle detection code in menu, the player isn't spawned if he's still pressing buttons
Security - Several security, anti hack and cheat fixes
Stability - Fix for an occasional crash bug when in the Credits screen and transitioning straight into Multiplayer via a Invite
Stability - Fix for potential hang when players migrate between maps
Gameplay - Player can retain crouched collision after deploying jetpack
Gameplay - The Assassination Executioner medals only count Deadly Assassin kills, not Executioner kills
Gameplay - Cloak kills with weapons that break cloak now count towards medal for Cloak levels 1 and 2.
Gameplay - Global - Medic's Triage droids now disappear when player quits out of game
Gameplay - Cloak/Disguise cannot be removed manually by accident anymore
Gameplay - Fix for rumble in Exo being over-powered and out of sync
Gameplay - Fix for Silent Footsteps remaining active after choosing other skill and removed from the personal stats menu
Exploit - Akmir Snowdrift - Player can reach the boat by using an ammo box to exit the intended boundaries
Functionality - Disc eject now handled more gracefully
Trophies - DLC 1 `Little Big Weapons' Trophy does now counts rocket launcher and StA2
Clan functionality - Fix for player quitting and re-joining a tournament, they may re-enter a tournament alone.
Menu - Find game - Operations - Mode description - Spelling issue fixed
Menu - Friends: Fix for Clan tags being displayed for a max of nine players despite the number of player that are in the clan
Menu - Fix for incorrect message given when attempting to join a Clan Game that an online friend is taking place in
Menu - Spawn-screen - Fix for when the extra Primary Weapon skill is equipped, the weapon description goes out of sync
Menu - Accolades do now show subsequently
Menu - When receiving a squad invite from a player in another match, there is now a warning that the player will leave his current game.
Menu - Scramble detailed range and in-game range now match properly
Menu - The Spot and Mark description in the unlock menu is now correct
Menu - Fix for when the player presses the SQUARE button when a player that is in their game is highlighted in the squad lobby menu they receive the message `You cannot join a play that is not in a game.'
Menu - Turn off animations for the squad list to avoid it becoming unreadable every time a rebuild occurs when voice chat is activated
Menu - Fix for when trying to join a friend without the required DLC pack, the message will tell the player they are part of a squad.
Menu - Fix for the message informing the player they are attempting to join a DLC game without the required DLC content installed reading better
Menu - Increased Accuracy & Faster Reload Ribbons now update in the personal statistics screen.
Additional to this, we are performing regular and significant Server updates to help with connection issues such as the -9 Error (fix deployed Thursday 3rd of March) as well as improving performance and lag
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- grasimar
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- Rampensau
Das ist aber ein generelles Problem bei Shootern, der mir aber gerade beim Krigeszonen-Modus bei KZ3 extrem aufstößt. Vor allem weil man diesen "unfairen" Spielern allerlei Spielzeug an die Hand gegegen hat, damit sie ihrer Spielweise frönen können.
Hier fände ich es mal angebracht darüber nachzudenken, ob es nicht Sinn macht, dass die Kills wesentlich weniger und das Erreichen einzelner Ziele mehr Punkte geben.
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